Friday, 4 February 2011

February Already??

The year is flying by already! This week has been pretty stressful, so not much creativeness to show you unfortunately. Here's hoping next week wll be better?

I had narrowed down the choice for my Feb project to either a ripple or a hexagon blanket. The hexagon blanket won! I've started with 1 hexagon, crocheted last night, & I was pretty pleased with it until I looked at it in the daylight & realised the colours are far too dark together. So back to the dawing board on the colour choices. I will do a proper post on the blanket, but the weather is absolute crap here right now, so all photos will be rubbish. (We currently have almost Gale force winds here, doing the school run with a buggy was not fun!)

I've played around with the layout of my blog a bit, but Im not 100% happy with it yet & will be needing a new header. Here's hoping for some sunshine soon, I really want some new photos of the girls. Plus as Im Documenting 2011 (will also do a proper post on this too very soon) & my January photos were pathetic, more effort will be needed this month!!



Ariana Rose said...

I'm really excited to look through your blog. I LOVE crochet projects and hexagon blankets are my all time fave!

I didn't get your email address in your comment, can you send it to me so I can add you?

Oh and I like your blog layout. I just love black and white with pops of color! I'm working on a blurb book and that's how I'm approaching it :-)

Anonymous said...

I have just wrote an essay comment and the bloody thing crashed....arrr!
I love the new header, it really stands out Lisa...I would leave it be.
I cannot wait to see the hexagon blanket and the document 2011 pages, I always love to see what you have been up to.
The weather here has been awful too, the wind has been so bad we have stayed in a lot and I am getting bored now! Emily is too, hoping to get to the park tomorrow for a bit of a run around!!
Enjoy whats left of the weekend hunny.