Tuesday, 1 February 2011

January Crochet Project Taa Daa!!!!!!

**Taa Daa!!**

(Apologies for the poor photos, the light is awful today, grey & miserable & blooming freezing to boot!)

Details:  80" Length
11" Width

Yarn used: Mode DK by Wendy
I used a cream, pink, light beige & brown.

2 Balls of each, £1.99 per ball, 8 balls used, total cost £15.92.

The photo below shows the colours the best.

I really wish I could have made a full size blanket, but after working it out, would cost at least £80!! Which I just dont have  :-(

But I'm loving it anyway!!!!  :-)


1 comment:

Araminta said...

Coor, that is so pretty, love the colours and what a shame it costs so much to make a full one.