Monday 22 November 2010

Have things to blog about......

........but not tonight, feeling absolutely exhausted, so am off to bed.

I will post at least once this week, it'll be a bit of a catch up post of all the things going on lately. Thanks for the get well wishes, the wrist is feeling better & I've got full use of it, still aches if I do too much though. & if it gets too cold. I'm planning on crocheting some wrist warmers/fingerless glove things for myself soon. Very soon, if the weather report is correct........SNOW!!!!

Anyway, thats it for me for tonight, I'm off to the land of Nod. Promise a lengthy, photoworthy blog post in the next few days.

Sweet dreams. xxx

1 comment:

Micayla said...

Hoooray, so glad to hear you are feeling better Lisa and looking forward to the next post. Speaking of post, I am going to the post office today so start stalking girl.